söndag 18 november 2012

Babysitters! 2012-11-17

Per received a gentle kiss on his forehead...

A good deed follows by another one and Oli had someone to
play with.


"Moncsi come"! was a frequently used phrase by Oli this day.
Móni was kind enough to obey most of the time and they got
along very well! No surprise there..

Móni and Per came to visit on Friday night and stayed the whole weekend. Their main aim with the visit was to celebrate Per's little brother's birthday, but they also managed to squeeze in baby sitting for Oliver on Saturday when Erik and I went to our neighbours' wedding. Móni and Per are so great with kids and their love for Oliver warms my heart! By the way Oli is with them, it is easy to tell that he loves them just as much as they love him.

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