onsdag 7 november 2012

Baby nr 2, 34 weeks+ 1 day.

Ok so I feel like crap and I certainly look like crap. I am totally floored from sinusitis with a touch of influenza. I walk around in a fog, can't hear properly or breathe while my heart races and my body tries to mend itself. My colleagues at work sent me home last Tuesday and I have been at home ever since. I rarely take a sick day and it is unprecedented for me to be home from work this much, but I have no choice. After two weeks of feeling like this I gave up on letting nature take its course and started to take penicillin. Hopefully I will get better within a week.
This past weekend (Halloween) we were supposed to check out another house and some building plots, but since I was quite out of it and Oliver also spontaneously threw up all over the floor, we stayed in all weekend.
Otherwise there is nothing new on the pregnancy front. I am tired of my big belly that doesn't allow me to find one single comfortable position to either sit, stand och lay down. It hasn't dropped yet and until that happens, this is how it is. I go to bed every night pushing back acid reflux and the nausea while trying to find a position I can fall asleep in, usually half sitting. Recently I have started to wake up at all times at night, partly because of the activity in my stomach and partly because I think my body is preparing for all the nights awake ahead of me. All the troubles aside, I am so happy and thankful for this little life that is growing within me and I can't wait to meet him! 

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