söndag 28 oktober 2012

Sunday dinner with a bunch of kids at Frida and Mårten's place, 2012-10-28.

Good morning! My sweet little rascal..

We had such a nice evening together and even though there were four kids of the age of two and younger dinner went relatively smoothly. Or perhaps my perception and expectation of things regarding kids have shifted a little.. ;)

Shopping, haircut and playtime. An Oliver day, 2012-10-27.

Somebody found themselves in
the mirror... 

...and seconds later focused on much
more interesting things, like his
Lightning McQueen car.. Good to
have something that distracts from
the actual hair cutting.

The result of the haircut. Total

Oliver with his buddy Adrian. They had a great time playing
with all the cars they could find. Great to have friends who
share your interests! :) 

After Adrian visited Oli was a little
tired and climbed briefly into bed..
Winter is starting to creep up on us so Erik and I took Oliver to Solna center and got him an overall and winter mittens, then a haircut while Erik bought all the essentials for our dinner for Marie and Johan later that night. Our neighbours Marie and Christian needed us to baby sit for Adrian for a little while, which was only fun because Oliver and Adrian love to play together and they had such a great time. Not long after Adrian went home, Marie and Johan showed up and the next part of the day could start. We haven't seen them since we went to their wedding in May, so it was long overdue and we had a very nice evening. Even Erik's parents came by for a drink after the inauguration of Friends Arena. 

Baby nr 2, 33 weeks + 0 days.

This is crazy. I am HUGE!!! And with 7 weeks left to go; how will this end??! I am seriously concerned. I am feeling gigantic, hurting here and there, tired all the time and tired of feeling like this. I have gained 11 kg this far which is way-way-way too much! Nothing fits me properly anymore and I can't even close my jacket, and with minus degrees outside I would like to be like a bear and hibernate and only come out when it is warm outside and I am slim and looking and feeling like myself again.. Ok now that I got it out of my system; enough with the whining! 

Baby nr 2, 32 weeks + 0 days.

Baby nr 2, 31 weeks + 2 days.

Baby nr 2, 30 weeks + 0 days.

Mom, dad and Zoli visiting, 12-14 September 2012.

Imitating airplanes. 

Zoli and Erik, taking it easy.

The mandatory "spettkaka" that everyone else had one bite of
and I ate the rest...

Oli and "Nama", the best of friends!

A little tired...

...and tried so hard to stay awake to hear the end
of the Bamse story...

...but he didn't stand a chance!

Visiting Överjärva Gård and petting sheep, 2012-10-07.

We visited this "city farm" for Oliver to see, feed and pet some sheep, and it was a huge success! He wasn't afraid at all and thought it was amazing to see these animals in real life and not only in books. Funny how these "simple things" in life can give so much joy, not only do I mean for Oliver but for Erik and I who have the privilege to share all these things that Oliver sees for the first time. It it truly rewarding in a way I haven't anticipated. We also purchased ecological eggs from the farm. 

Saturday walk in pretty weather and dinner with the Agerlund family, 2012-10-06

Cars at heart..

Oli and I!

Checking out the ducks.

Checking out the swans; a lot to see even during a quiet walk!

After almost an hour of walking, Oli
got tired and found a place to rest
his tired little feet. 

October means seafood!

Little-Erik and Oliver had a movie
night of their own during our dinner.

Baby nr 2, 29 weeks + 0 days.

Baby nr 2, 28 weeks + 0 days.