torsdag 12 april 2012

Easter 2012 in Kristianstad.

Cooking with Nama (or also
"mormor" = grandmother, which
Oliver said for the first time there).

Oli turned 19 months on April 5 so his grandfather got him
this mini cake to celebrate... Just like he did when we visited
and Oli turned two months. Why not celebrate every chans
you get? ;)

Normally we don't give Oliver any kind of sweets, so he really
enjoyed his "cake"!

Potty training with grandmother
went very well! Some distractions
were necessary though..

A Easter present from Oli's other

Easter egg from me and Erik... containing another of his
favourite kind of stuffed animals from Bukowskis.

My old "Hokus Pokus"-chair still
going strong and entertainins..

Nama found her and dad's egg.

With daddy.

Easter Egg Hunt is ON!

Oliver found many eggs but not all of them were his... 

Bingo, again!

Taking a slow walk in the sun and Oliver tries out his new
tricycle. He was almost as tall as he needed to be so Erik
helped him a little by pushing.


Trying out the local slide...

...and the swing..

...and so did I. Never to old to hop on!

Easter cake that Ági and Zoli brought.

Móni and Per, to be wed on September 15 this year! Let's
hope our dresses arrive soon Móni...

Dad and Zoli.

Oliver was fascinated by Ági's dog.

Oliver, a born sybarite...

The thinking pose..

Oli with his first RC car that he got from Ági
and Zoli. He loved it! I thought he would be
too small for it, but nay.. He loves all buttons
that can be pushed.

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