söndag 30 oktober 2011

Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin and cobweb in the hall to set
the proper Halloween mood!

Magnus as a cowboy.

Homemade chocolate pudding...

Texan style triple dip. Who would have guessed?

Mr... Casanova?

Olivia tried to tame Oliver's mane.
Good luck with that... We tried too
with various products with zilch result.

Melissa and Olivia the party princess.

Who is the ghost?

The desperate housewife...


Trick or treating!

Hmmm what IS that?

Oliver says "titta" (look)..

The Leijon family made a brave decision to throw a Halloween party for toddlers, but it was great! The kids ran around and played for a couple of hours, trick or treated and the grown ups could talk a little and eat even more...

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