onsdag 28 april 2010

Todays spontaneous shopping

I have been thinking about getting a new cell phone for a while. The one I have at the moment is a Sony Ericsson  W880i and I got it three years ago. I love it. It is really neat and small, still has a good battery (I charge it once or twice a week) and I can blog with it. Unfortunately, the camera is a really lousy one and my headset gave up a while ago (well, at least the contact) and it would be more costly to repair it than the actual worth of the phone. So, therefore I have been on the hunt for a new companion. The problem is that I know exactly what I want and the trends now in cell phones aren't my cup of tea. I like my phones to be as small as possible, with no slide, hatch or touch screen, with a good camera and battery life. This hasn't been an easy task, but with a little help from some "tech-nerds" (Erik and Hagis) I have come to a decision. I will welcome home my new Sony Ericsson C901 in " precious peach" in a couple of days! Extra kudos to the makers of it for making it enviromentally friendly.

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