söndag 29 januari 2012

"Nama & Papapa" visiting, 27-29 Jan. 2012.

Oliver got to stay up late just so he could
greet his grandmother and grandfather. He
could barely stay awake though he tried
hard since he got to watch his favourite cartoon
(Bamse). When "Nama and Papapa" (he
 named them himself) arrived, he was overjoyed!

Papapa and Nama couldn't resist bringing
presents for Oli this time either..

Someone got a new jacket and with it on, he
thought it was his cue to go outside, since that
is what we normally do...

Some help here? He actually didn't get any
help but managed to open the door anyway!

Just after Nama had cut Oli's hair.
A good cuddle is never wrong!

My one big weekness; sweets. And not just any
sweets but this cake from Skåne called Spettkaka
that mom and dad brought. It is sooooo good!
I ate almost all of it myself. I am not kidding
 (unfortunately)!  I ignored studying for a night
and watched a movie with the others after a lovely
Saturday dinner at home.

Playing in the Mulle Meck-park in Järvastaden. It was
so cute and we all enjoyed ourselves. Even Catrin came
out and joined us.

"Lost" in a maze..

So many things to climb up and into and discover
 new things..

Ehm... riding a carousel, not quite for someone my
 size perhaps..

Well, I wasn't alone... hehe..

Trying every slide!

Caught by Mulle Meck..

After our time in the park in the snow, I made pancakes.
Oliver had three and a banana, everyone else had one or
two.. Earlier today (Sunday) I also had time to study. It has
been a productive, fun and wonderful weekend!

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