tisdag 3 maj 2011

Another phase, another test for my sanity..

Oliver is in a what the authors of the book "Why they cry" call development phase, and he is making me nuts with all the whining, constant craving of attention and still nothing is good. All day long I try to distract him with different things to play with, look at and hear. In the middle of all this I am trying to breast feed him less, which is highly unpopular.. I am mentally exhausted by the end of the day. Oh well, these things pass and in the meantime I try to cuddle him as much as I can so that he feels safe to continue discover the world by himself later on.
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1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

Jag vill bara komma hem o krama om honom när jag ser bilder på honom. Saknar er båda. Kram på er