Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
onsdag 29 september 2010
tisdag 28 september 2010
måndag 27 september 2010
Enjoyable moments.

Oliver and I are having lunch at Ulriksdals Slottscafe and reading the latest InStyle magazine so that I get updated on what to wear this autumn/winter. Oli has kept me so busy this weekend that I forgot to blog the Saturday night dinner at Erik's parents house and when Frida and Mårten visited us on Sunday. Now we are waiting for my brother to arrive from Karlskrona. He couldn't come when the rest of my family did since he had to work on a military ship for three weeks straight, so that is why he comes now. It will be great to have some company for a couple of days!
fredag 24 september 2010
torsdag 23 september 2010
Check up

We have just been on a check up. Oliver has gained 450g in one week and two days (which is really a lot when your totally weigh 3330g)! I knew that he has been eating well and this only confirmed it, but it felt good to know it. Since he was quite little when he was born, I was a bit concerned about his weight, but not anymore!
onsdag 22 september 2010
Apricot and walnut bread, my variation of it.

1dl raisins, 2,5dl dried apricots in pieces, 2dl walnuts and 1dl haselnuts in pieces, 1dl sunflower seeds, 1dl crushed flaxseeds, 2dl rye flour, 3dl wheat flour, 2dl barley flour, 1,5dl kruska bran, 2 teaspoons bicarbonate, 1 teaspoon salt, 5dl quark, 1dl lingonberry jam and about 4dl water. Mix together, bake in the lower parts of the oven in 1 hour and 200 degrees Celsius. Done and done! This bread is delicious, not to mention packed with calories.. I love to eat it hot so the butter melts on it. Bon appetit!
måndag 20 september 2010
Picture of the day of Oliver!

This was the first day without Erik at home with us. He had his two weeks off as a new dad but had to go back to work today. It was rather empty without him, but Oliver and I had a busy schedule so the day passed quickly. First, we had to wake up in time so that Oliver could have his breakfast four times, then a check up appointment at the hospital, then his lunch, then I squeezed in an eyebrow shaping and colouring for myself when he was napping and did some grocery shopping. Many many hours later we came back home and half an hour later Erik did aswell. I never thought a day could pass this fast while doing "nothing"!
fredag 17 september 2010
torsdag 16 september 2010
15 September, second 3:rd wedding anniversary!

Let me clarify. We got married twice, once in Sweden to make it official and once in Budapest in a church. Yesterday we celebrated the church wedding with champagne, goose liver, red wine and steak tartar after Oliver had had his dinner and finally was asleep. Sure, we had our dinner after ten in the evening, but it felt like a date night even though we were at home.
söndag 12 september 2010
lördag 11 september 2010
fredag 10 september 2010
onsdag 8 september 2010
tisdag 7 september 2010
måndag 6 september 2010
söndag 5 september 2010
Interesting night..

After we got home from the party, I had half an hour's sleep and woke up from the curious sensation of the water breaking! After that neither Erik nor I had much sleep. At eight o'clock in the morning we went for a check up in the hospital. Since my contractions didn't come regularly enough, we were sent home to rest. So that is where we are at the moment. To be continued..
torsdag 2 september 2010
Yesterday was the first day that the Swedish people could vote for how they want the Government to be in the following four years. Since the official election day is the same day as the predicted birth date for the little guy, I didn't want to risk not to be able to demonstrate my democratic rights, so I voted yesterday. You should do the same!
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