Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
tisdag 9 juni 2009
One teeny tiny hour on the Orbitrek leaves me a total wreck. I am in such bad shape! Since I missed the class at the gym earlier when I was shopping, I had to make it up. Now I will scrape myself up from the floor, hit the shower and then go straight to bed!
3 kommentarer:
Hello Szilvia!
Here is Roberto, who worked with you in Perstorp Brazil. I'm very happy in see that good things happened in your life!
In 2007 I went to Höganäs and tryed any contact with you, but It wasn't possible.
3 kommentarer:
Hello Szilvia!
Here is Roberto, who worked with you in Perstorp Brazil.
I'm very happy in see that good things happened in your life!
In 2007 I went to Höganäs and tryed any contact with you, but It wasn't possible.
Really, I'm very happy to meet you again!
Hello Szilvia!
Here is Roberto, who worked with you in Perstorp Brazil.
I'm so happy to see that good things are always happening in your life!
Hi Roberto!
I am thrilled that my long lost friend from Sao Paulo found me this way! How is life nowadays?
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