5 years old - boss, as simple as that. Why? Well, why not? I get to have an opinion, to matter and to feel validated. And last but not least, to influence others.
8 years old - librarian. I have always loved books (still do) and there is something about libraries, all the books arranged neatly and the joys of reading always in reach, made me think it would be nice. So nice that I forced my siblings to play library with me. I know, I was a weird child..
14 years old - journalist. From all the reading I did it wasn't a long leap to think that I wanted to write as a full time job. I still love to write and do so in many forms and ways, everyday. Although my internship at the local radio station and paper in Kristianstad made me change my mind rapidly..
18 years old - all I knew at this point were the things I didn't want to become. The first thing on my list was a doctor. I can't stand the thought of having to treat all kinds of people and illnesses. The second thing was a chemist, which is in some way strange and in other ways not strange at all. I gave Perstorp AB and their excellent college three years of my life and stumbled out of there full of science and with no lust for further knowledge in that field. There can be too much of something and I was just feeling done with it. So on I went. I though for a second about beeing a lawyer, but that whole inside of a box-thinking turned me off. Then I let my mind wonder to psychology. A very interesting field, but did I really want to listen to peoples problems all day every day? I didn't think so. Eventually I settled for business administration, which in my opinion left me with most doors open. So there you have it. My career choice started with an un-choosing.
23 years old - I finally found my calling! I wanted to work with something a bit creative that involved psychology, writing, reading and my passion for beauty and beautiful things! Can you guess? Marketing, of course! I loved loved loved my last term at the university of Lund when I could focus on marketing, writing my thesis with friends. The thesis was called "Hur subkulturer konstruerar mening med hjälp av varumärken" (i.e. how subcultures create meaning through brands). Read it if you like; After I finished school with flying colours I realized that there wasn't anyone willing to take me on for the kind of job I had dreamt of. Reality bites.. I quit my sales job that I had held during my period as a student and took a chance and went to Stockholm to work back office at Scandic Hotels, just to do something else for a while. One thing led to another and I ended up in Skåne again with a temporary job as a hotel manager. Now THAT was an interesting experience in my taste! Since all things come to an end I, again, decided to do something completely different and turned to banking. To be able to take my own decisions and work freely fitted right in with the thinking they have in Handelsbanken, so I tried it and succeeded to get an employment. I admit it. I got sucked in. More than three years have passed in the blink of an eye! By now I might as well have a stamp on my forehead that says Handelsbanken. Who would have thought it?!!
So, this is me now. The banking Barbie, if there ever was one!
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