Oliver had been practising the Lucia songs all week at daycare and at home, but when the time came he got stage fright and wandered around in the audience instead of singing with the other kids. It was probably our fault, because Erik and I started to wave at him when they came out, and when Oliver saw us he was so happy to greet us with hugs and kisses that he forgot about the other stuff. He is such a cutie! And yes, my tiny gingerbreadman ate a lot of gingerbread.
Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
torsdag 13 december 2012
Oh baby, where art thou?!
Three days left until my calculated due date and still nothing. Not even a hint that this baby will come out soon. Did I mention that I am impatient and curious? To put it in perspective; even up to this date when I, for most of the time, count as a grown up, have to open one present on Christmas morning because I'm that curious! Just imagine what I feel like now.. Pregnancy and having kids is truly a humbling experience though and I am immensely thankful for it.
Wishing and waiting...
How can I still be tired after sleeping two hours at noon?? I guess I have some catching up to do sleepwise. Also, having this terrible cold with a cough makes that need to rest even bigger. We are not even going to talk about the pain in my joints because then you would mistake me for a 90 year old lady.. Otherwise I'm just dandy! B-)
After work visit by Catrin!
Yesterday while I was waiting for Erik to come home from a dinner in the city, Catrin came over spontaneously as if she had a radar to when we could have a little girl talk. We have both been busy this past six months so it was really nice to see her again. On Monday I had lunch with Frida who I similarly haven't seen as often as I would like. I hope that I will see my friends more often now that I will be on maternity leave! You know who you are..
tisdag 11 december 2012
On my way to the midwife for my last check up before the baby's due date on Dec 16!
The snow is falling, I have to take the bus and I got just a few hours of sleep last night so it was compelling to entertain the thought of just staying at home instead..
måndag 10 december 2012
måndag 3 december 2012
Baby nr 2, 38 weeks + 0 days.
2012-12-01, sledding!
It looks like it is in the middle of the night but in fact it is just before four o'clock in the afternoon, when Oliver and I went sledding. It was so much fun hearing him howl of joy when we went downhill, so worth all the freezing on my part! Since my belly is taking on enormous proportions I can barely squeeze into my huge Barbour jacket and all skiing gear is long out of reach, so that is all I have left and in -15 degrees Celsius it is getting unbearable. I really hope this baby will arrive soon...
söndag 25 november 2012
Since baby nr 2 is soon on his way to us, we shuffled around some furniture to better make place for him and arriving guests. This meant that I had to sacrifice my study so that it instead became a guest room, which meant changing places for my English desk with the extra bed. It is all good though, Oli really likes to sit at my desk and paint, or as in the case in the pictures, read "Bamse" to himself.
Mid-week dinner at Sjögrens'! 2012-11-15
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Frida and Alexander. |
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Manfred and Oliver enjoyed a story read by Marta. None of them managed to fall asleep though... |
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Ingemar and Erik, wine tasting through the night.. |
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A pirate, o' hoy! |
söndag 18 november 2012
Marie's and Christian's wedding in Fjärilshuset (Hagaparken), 2012-11-17!
What great people and what a great party! Erik and I stayed until it was over, which was at 02.00 in the morning, that's how good it was (me and my stomach normally fall asleep on the couch by eight in the evening nowadays...). We had such a good time and Fjärilshuset was a fun, warm and romantic venue for this kind of event. It was a true privilege to be part of Marie and Christian's wedding!