Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
måndag 29 augusti 2011
Saturday 2011-08-27.
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I took my bike downtown and met up with my oldest friend Hanna to have brunch together in the sun. Here we are in Humlegården. |
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We had a lot to talk about and even a fun and surprising piece of news..! |
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As I got home I took Oliver out to play with Adrian. Never to miss an opportunity to be in the sun! |
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Adrian and Oliver, fishing for toys.. |
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The evening was spent on Lidingö again since we were celebrating Ingela's birthday with the annual fermented Baltic herring-party. |
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Erik and I. |
Friday 2011-08-26.
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After work I took Oliver out to play. He ran around a lot until he fell and sat down on his bum and waited for mom to pick him up.. |
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He waited and waited, the comfortable guy that he is... |
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Luckily for him, Olivia was around to help him get up! |
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Olivia loves to cuddle but Oliver was a little preoccupied.. |
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It was little-Erik's second birthday so we went there to celebrate him in the evening. Here he is waiting impatiently for his present to be ready. |
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The boys are cruising... |
tisdag 23 augusti 2011
söndag 21 augusti 2011
Oliver walks!!!
As of August 13 he walks all by himself. In an
unguarded moment he just let go of the coffee table
and started to walk, 11 months and one week old. <3
Visit to Oliver's kindergarten to be.
Unfortunately it is not the one I wanted him to attend, but the preschool teachers seem to care about the kids so I hope he will like it there even if the premises may not be the most stimulating ones. I wanted Oliver to get into one of the private kindergartens here in Frösunda, but it is insanely hard to get in due to the massiv surplus of babies and the deficit of preschools in the area. Anyway, Oli is starting on the very day he turns one because I am going back to work. I have such anxiety for this. If I could choose, I would stay home with my baby a little longer and not put him in some institution where I have no control over what happens to him. Instead I have to stash away my feelings in a far-far corner of my mind and go to work first thing tomorrow (Erik is on paternity leave for another two weeks so he will take care of him until it is time). Yay.
torsdag 18 augusti 2011
My whole family has been feeling a little under the weather lately. Oliver caught a double sided ear infection, Erik had a fever and I a sinus infection.. triple whammy! The past two weeks haven't been very fun but we are at least getting better by now. On this picture Oliver was so tired that he took a spontaneous powernap on Erik..
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söndag 14 augusti 2011
tisdag 9 augusti 2011
Summer in Dávod, Zombor and Szabadka, 2011.
Oliver eats by himself in Dávod. |
With my grandparents, Gizella (aka Mami) and Pál (aka Tati) in Zombor. |
Oliver and Mami, sharing a moment. |
Tati and Mami at restaurant Slon. |
Fresh fish at the restaurant and Oli is very interested.. |
Cevapcici and much much more, yummy! |
Bathing in our backyard in Dávod. |
Mom and Oli, bathing in Püspökpuszta (the bath is around 100 metres from our summer house). |
Mmm, fresh watermelon!! |
Oliver eats his first lángos. |
Mom and Erik. |
Dad, me and the biggest chestnut puré dessert I have ever had! |
Shopping day with a drinking pause in Baja. |
Walking in a park in Zombor. |
Erik and I after lunch in Szabadka. |
Oliver, me and my uncle (also my godfather) Stefan. |
My cousin Attila with Oliver. They got along very well! |
The Rüll brothers. My dad with his 11 months older big brother in his home town Szabadka. |
At city center in Szabadka. |
Mom and dad. |
Visiting the Kosztolányi Dezsö statue in Szabadka, which was the author's home town. He was the uncle of my grandmother, Kosztolányi Vera. |
Oliver tries ice cream for the first time, but not just any ice cream, it was from Pelivan and freshly made that day! |
Zombor... |
Mom and Biljana. |
Dad with his cousin Oszkár. |
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