Every meal is a battle of wills. He wants to feed himself with the spoon or maybe just play with the food, and this is the result. Even his eyelashes have porridge on them.. I don't exactly love the mess he is creating, but at least he is eating something else than milk, which I have trouble making him give up.
Oliver and I had a wonderful time at Nina's. It is so nice to just hang out and talk sometimes. After lunch we went for a walk in the southern parts of town where I rarely go otherwise. The sun has been shining all day so I didn't mind the excersize, even though four hours all in all (I went there by foot as well) were a bit much in hindsight. Now I am taking it easy on the sofa but dreading tomorrow when I will have a session with my personal trainer. I mean, I look forward to it but in the meantime dreading it because my body is still a bit sore from the light excersize he made me do the day before yesterday. Hmm, that body update I promised a while ago.. Well since I didn't stick to the home workout plan for more than I week before I fell ill and consequently dropped it I don't have any positive to report; I gained 2kg instead.. But today is a new day and I will keep on trying until I reach my goals.
Oliver's two first teeth (lower jaw) showed up simultaniously on the last days of our Caribbean cruise and since then he loves oranges. Just the right amount of chewing needed I guess, and the taste doesn't hurt either.
Wow, I am really going overboard with this baby bloging. It should almost be called Oliver's blog.. I will make up for it soon with pictures from our Caribbean vacation, but I can't guarantee that it will be baby free..
We got back from our trip on Monday and tonight we had Leijons over for dinner. Olivia was adorable as she ran straight in to find Oliver so they could play. The rest of us had also a great time together..
Can you believe it? It is so rural but the idyll is only five minutes (by car) away from the city. Tomorrow we are going to a hopefully warm and beautiful Miami. I am longing to shed these heavy layers of clothes..
I should do this more often, it makes me feel really good!
There's snow everywhere but there is a spring feeling in the air.
Oliver keeps me company while I am packing all our bags for the trip. It is a tedious chore but it is less so with this little guy beside me who sits by himself (almost without falling over) and "talks" with me.
In his efforts to reach the toy he started to pull his legs up under him. It is the first time that I have seen him do that; a first effort to crawl!
The cap, that is. I find it hard to resist buying cute things for my son but this time I actually didn't. I reasoned with myself and came to the conclusion that it's probably more fun to buy these things in Miami..