Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
måndag 31 januari 2011
At Haga Forum.

Today we have been out and about all day. It started with a trip to return the christening gown we borrowed, then we said hello to Erik at work, then met up Therese from my mummy group and shopped for a while (today I am guilty of a Petit Bateau body size 74 (!) and socks from Gant for Oliver, all of a sudden he is out of both things), then we had a ciabatta and tea by the fireplace at Haga Forum watching over the water in Brunnsviken. We got home at five o'clock and since then I have fed Oliver and myself a couple of times and done some laundry. I am so sleepy! Oliver is already asleep and snoring away..
lördag 29 januari 2011
Nighty night!

Oliver is in his new pyjamas and he will soon go to bed. I think I won't be far behind, my earlier walk to the city with Cat wiped me out. Though I have to suit myself a little, for who takes on a 7km walk in high heeled boots? Really? And when I say high heels I mean 10cm high.. Well, my motto in life is "do it properly or not at all"! Tonight Oliver and I are all alone because Erik is having a guys night with Marcus and Bo at the former's country cottage. I have been craving sweets and chocolate since we got home but in lack of such I have cleaned out the cupboards of musli, bread and raisins and the fridge of cheese. I really need to learn how to restrain myself. Nah, scrap that! I have chocolate powder and milk! I am off to make some chocolate milk. Hot coco here I come..
fredag 28 januari 2011
torsdag 27 januari 2011
I just had to.. these pictures because he is so darned cute! Otherwise I have not much to report, we stayed in today in spite of the lovely sunshine. It was cold and I was feeling queezy. Mom worried us all today by getting some reaction to the stress that she has been under for a very long time. An ambulance ride and examination later the doctors concluded that there was nothing wrong except for the stress. I am sincerely hoping that she is going to stay home and rest this thing out!
tisdag 25 januari 2011
fredag 21 januari 2011
torsdag 20 januari 2011
onsdag 19 januari 2011
Story time!

It is cozy amongst the pillows. Oliver is gesturing and talking to the book while I am reading to him and talking about all the things he can see in the pictures. I never thought books were so interesting to infants, or in this case an overly active 4,5 month old baby. I am glad that I was wrong, because I love books. I can't wait to read him proper good night stories!
Mr Curious

Maybe it is time to change the stroller's carrycot to the sitting piece, because Oliver is not content anymore with only lying down when we are, for an example, shopping. He wants to sit up so he can see what is going on. Today I solved that by putting my jacket behind his back.. Necessity is the mother of inventions!
I <3 mum

Lucky me! ;-) Oliver and I spent the Monday with the mommy group. First we met up two of the other moms and walked the half an hour that it takes to get to the open daycare place that was our destination. Then we were informed of how to carry our babies without hurting our backs and hands. A little too late for me.. Picking up and carrying around the eight kilos that are Oliver takes its toll and every day I wake up with a very soar back. Anyway. We walked back and I invited those who live nearby to come in for a cup of coffee and so they did. All of a sudden the whole day had passed and Erik came home from work and made dinner, then Melissa came over and watched Oliver while we were at the cinema. A good Monday!
måndag 17 januari 2011
söndag 16 januari 2011
fredag 14 januari 2011
On our way.. see the priest who will christen Oliver next week. We are going to talk through the ceremony. We are in a bit of a pickle because of the rapid growth of Oli, we don't know what to put on him in terms of clothing. The things my mom was christened in are available but they are too small. Now we are hoping that Erik's old gown is going to work..
onsdag 12 januari 2011
Drinks at Hotellet with Marie!

Wiie! We are without babies, having drinks and just talking. This is the first time in a long time that I am able to relax and concentrate on whatever the person in front of me is saying, instead of being on constant stand by, listening to my baby's every need. Though it is equally nice to come home and smell him, talk to him, make him laugh.. No, that is even better...
tisdag 11 januari 2011
måndag 10 januari 2011
söndag 9 januari 2011
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