Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
söndag 31 oktober 2010
lördag 30 oktober 2010
Lobster dinner at the Ödmanssons'.

I spent the day with Frida, trying to locate a special kind of fabric for her new curtains. We drove from one end of town to the other before she found what she was looking for. Eventually we landed on Lidingö where we had some tea and chocolate truffles, after the sandwiches of course. Erik picked up Oliver and me there and now we are having a nice dinner with the family and eating lobster straight from Norway!
fredag 29 oktober 2010
torsdag 28 oktober 2010
onsdag 27 oktober 2010
tisdag 26 oktober 2010
Oliver's first passport!

The picture turned out to be quite good, considering the struggle we had to make him stay awake long enough to actually take it.. I picked up the passport at the police station after a lovely walk in the sun, then went grocery shopping, met up Marta and Manfred, borrowed a book at the library and had a coffee together and then walked back home. Right now Erik is making us dinner while I am nursing. It has been a really good day!
söndag 24 oktober 2010
fredag 22 oktober 2010
My tiny sleep terrorist!

He may look all sweet and innocent, but boy, can he scream! He refuses to sleep in his own bed, the only way he can fall asleep is by my side in my bed. This is, in my opinion, a very bad habit and yesterday we tried all night to break it. Unfortunately I did not succeed in making him sleep on his own. Instead he kept me up all night and I tried to comfort him in every way that I know of, but nothing helped. In the end, I fell asleep on the sofa while nursing him. I managed to sleep three hours. I don't know how to make it through if this is going to be our new routine. I do not function very well without sleep, so I am begging you Oliver, be a good boy and start to like your crib soon!
Oh joy...

Nooo! The first snow is falling. This means it is getting difficult to take walks with the stroller. Erik changed the car's tires yesterday, just in time! It would be nice to have some kind of winter kit for the stroller as well.. The cold and the walking difficulties aside, it is really cosy to sit inside and watch it snow while drinking my morning cup of tea and eating my omelet!
onsdag 20 oktober 2010
tisdag 19 oktober 2010
Oliver's first passport..

We applied for his first passport today and that included a picture with his eyes open. During the drive over there, he looked at everything with great interest, but as soon as we got there he fell asleep. It took a lot of kisses and tickeling of his feet to get him to open his eyes just a little bit! It was quite stressful as there were other people waiting in line for a passport. The picture we finally managed to take wasn't the best, but that is just the way it is with those official photos..
måndag 18 oktober 2010
Shopping for Oliver

I refuse to buy something for myself before I am back to my normal dress size, but I get to satisfy the shopping urge by getting things for my mini me. Only things he needs, of course. Yesterday Cat and I went to Solna centrum where I got these cute mittens and then Erik accompanied us to Kista centrum where I bought this cardigan.
Whatever works..

..I will do to keep my son happy. Right now he wants to be in my arms 24/7 which makes my arms and back hurt. The solution is to put him in this baby carrier and walk around (to stand still or sit is not an option since he starts crying the second I do that). Another thing that comforts him is when I sit on my pilates ball and rock him by rolling back and forth on it, and presto, he falls asleep!
lördag 16 oktober 2010
We are discovering Djurgården today.

Erik had to work this Saturday so Oliver and I tagged along to the city. While he is working, we take a walk around Djurgården for the first time. I have lived in Stockholm for 2,5 years now and haven't done this until now, so it is really time I did it. It is really pretty and feels like the countryside, yet it is in the dead center of the city!
torsdag 14 oktober 2010
How to make an afternoon disappear in a flash:

Make plans for lunch with a friend, that's all! Today I had lunch with Frida at SJ service academy here in Frösunda. Afterwards I accompanied her back to work and got stuck immediately! Just a chat with my boss, the other co-workers, breastfeeding and changing Oliver, checking my work mail, helping Frida with some work stuff and making an appointment with my boss for the annual revision of my results. While walking home, Melissa drove by and suggested we had a cup of tea, she just had to get Olivia from daycare. Said and done, I simply crossed the street and awaited the girls in the cafe. When we were done eating and drinking it was already half past five. That is one way of making time fly!
måndag 11 oktober 2010

Oliver and I have been back and forth from the city. It is a cool three hours long walk and my body is aching. We checked out the clothes at Zara before heading to cafe Mocco to eat something. I must say, what a lousy place it is! I don't understand why or how it became popular; the service personnel is ignorant, the food is over priced and they have a rule of maximum three strollers at one time in the cafe (it is a big one). No, I won't be going back there in a while, if ever.
söndag 10 oktober 2010
fredag 8 oktober 2010
torsdag 7 oktober 2010
onsdag 6 oktober 2010
Nina with Oscar and Filur, Oliver and I..

Two babies and a dog, it was quite an adventure just to take a walk, eat something and keep everyone happy. Life has become a lot more complicated but also more fun, although no one will argue the fact that it takes some mean organizing skills to do things with small children. It was so nice to get together again, it made my day!
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