Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
fredag 25 juni 2010
torsdag 24 juni 2010
måndag 21 juni 2010
söndag 20 juni 2010
27 weeks, 0 days.

This far I have gained 10 kg. It is a little more than recommended and I wish it was less, but I think I'll do fine anyways. If you click on the link below you can see a graph describing my weight from before I got pregnant up until now. As you can see, I was very hungry in the beginning, so I think that's what bites me in my behind now.
By this week I am in the last trimester of the pregnancy and that feels great! "Only" three more months to go! The baby is about 33-36 cm and weighs around 1-1,2 kg. He is almost fully developed and the remaining time he will mostly gain weight.
torsdag 17 juni 2010
onsdag 16 juni 2010
tisdag 15 juni 2010
Small things that mean so much.

Guys, don't underestimate gestures such as flowers and small gifts. This love bear arrived a couple days late (it was supposed to accompany the flowers I got from Erik on our wedding day but it was forgotten at that time) and now he sits on my desk and makes me smile every time I glance at him. Silly? Definitely. But who cares if it makes you happy?!
söndag 13 juni 2010
26 weeks, 0 days.

Every week I am stunned that it is possible for my body to grow so much in such short amount of time. Anyhow, the little guy should be around 32 cm and weigh 900 grams. He kicks a lot. Every morning he wakes me up with a series of kicks to my intestines, the same goes after lunch and just before I go to bed. He is a feisty one already! Even though the kicking may not be the most comfortable of all sensartions, it is a great feeling that he is already communicating. Erik is in the habit of talking to my stomach and rubbing it. When doing so he gets kicks back as "answers", which gives him, and me, great enjoyment.
lördag 12 juni 2010
fredag 11 juni 2010
A delightful surprise and a little mystery.

This is what I received in my mailbox today, a hungarian chick mag. Though no note or return address was left, I concluded fairly easy from the post stamp that said Helsingborg and the fact that I know only one suspect that has been in Hungary recently, that it was my sister who surprised me. Thank you Moni, it was very thoughtful of you!
This is the hotel I recently booked in Tunisia. Erik and I have been back and forth about our summer vacation plans, but finally we agreed and found a solution. Two weeks all inclusive in Port El Kantaoui and one week in Langesund is the plan. I am counting on lazy days by the pool, drinking virgin Marys and reading books. Good times!
torsdag 10 juni 2010
onsdag 9 juni 2010
tisdag 8 juni 2010

Tonight I took some time to take care of myself and had a tiny spa in my bathroom. After a scrub in the shower I used my new Body Butter from Body Shop and now I am smooth as a baby! By applying body lotion to my stomach every night I am hoping to get away somewhat unscarred from this pregnancy. Well, one can at least try and hope!
söndag 6 juni 2010
lördag 5 juni 2010
torsdag 3 juni 2010

Thanks to my superior planning skills, Erik and I had a smooth Ikea experience tonight. I had picked out the things we were to buy beforehand and even got it down to which shelf to find it on, so it was speedshopping at its best when we got there. The things we got were only for this little person that is arriving in September, all in courtesy of Erik's parents. Thanks a lot! Here is the crib and I think it is adorable. While Erik and I put it together, we looked at each other and laughed, it was all too surreal. We were practicing playing house for real..
onsdag 2 juni 2010
tisdag 1 juni 2010
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