Det här är en bildblogg där mina nära och kära ska kunna följa mina öden och äventyr. Fullständigt opretentiöst och med mycket lite självkritik visar jag Er mitt liv!
måndag 31 maj 2010
tisdag 25 maj 2010
This morning we got a wake up call from a neighbour who told Erik that their motorbikes got stolen from the garage during the night. These wicked thieves broke the garage door or made it open somehow, then cut the locks of the bikes and took them. I feel so sorry for Erik. When winter is finally over and he can start to enjoy his motorbike, then some idiots steel it just before summer kicks off! I know for a fact that his favourite time in the day is when he gets to ride that bike. Well, if you believe in karma, those thieves won't be happy for long, even if it's a poor consolation at the moment.
söndag 23 maj 2010
lördag 22 maj 2010
onsdag 19 maj 2010
Yesterdays movie: "The Joneses"
The film is a smart, funny and easily available comment on the consumption frenzy that characterize our society. I really liked it!
tisdag 18 maj 2010
Yay, I've got plans for tonight!

To be honest, it would have been a drag to spend my birthday alone, so I am happy now that I am waiting for Catrin to come home from work. We are going to walk to the city center and grab a movie. The weather is great too, finally a bit of warmth in Scandinavia! Then again, it is my birthday so things are just the way they supposed to be!
måndag 17 maj 2010
söndag 16 maj 2010
fredag 14 maj 2010
My favourite toys from back in the day.

Erik and I are visiting my family in Kristianstad. We are staying in my childhood room but not alone, we are surrounded by my old buddies! I have also said hello to my old friend, the piano, which I've missed greatly. Unfortunately my skills aren't the same as they once were, but it was still nice to hammer away a little. Funny how comforting old, familiar things and surroundings are!
onsdag 12 maj 2010
Guess who I paid a visit to yesterday?

Yup, the hairdresser. She convinced me that I should be kinder to my hair and baby, so we went for a darker do that would require less chemicals. She promised me no red shades.. And what did I end up with if not that! But the icing on the cake has to be my eyebrows that got bleached into nothingness... All I can say now is thank heaven for make up!
söndag 9 maj 2010
Mrs Whale, week 21 + 0 days
The headline speaks for itself.. I haven't gained any weight in a couple of weeks but my body keeps changing anyways, and not in a cute way either. This pregnancy thing is clearly overrated. Although I feel more at ease and calm than ever before. I guess those hormones do some good too..
lördag 8 maj 2010
onsdag 5 maj 2010
söndag 2 maj 2010
My belly, 20 weeks. Halfway!!!
Yup, this is what plus eight kilos looks like. Let's just say that I don't feel so slender anymore..
My new maternity pants are great! They are so comfortable! I fear that I will never go back to my way-too-tight-with-no-strech-jeans after this.
My new maternity pants are great! They are so comfortable! I fear that I will never go back to my way-too-tight-with-no-strech-jeans after this.
More pics from Strandbryggan.

This weekend has been a busy one. On Friday Erik and I celebrated eight years together and had dinner at Erik's parents. On Saturday we went back for 1st of May lunch and a quick peak at Helene and Mikael's new land that they will build their house on. Today Móni and Per had a couple of hours to spare in between getting off the cruise ship they had been on all weekend and the train home, then the shopping at NK with Erik and bumping into an old acquaintance from Kristianstad. All this in blazing sunlight!
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